***Ben is currently a web developer for an outdoor gear e-commerce site located in Saint Paul.
***This site was last updated September 24th, 2013
Howdy and thanks for visiting Ben Collin’s online portfolio. As a currently unemployed individual, I created this site to give potential employers everything they might need in one place.
Hire me for what? A meteorologist by degree that loves software development, I’ve spent the last 6 years developing software for a private weather company and CenturyLink. I also have my own web project that I’m working on. I’m self-motivated, creative, love to learn new things, and ready to take my career to the next level.
I am willing to relocate.
You can read a little about myself on the side and below I have listed some side projects that I have been working on in my free time. My resume and contact information can be found above.
Thanks again for stopping by! #hirebenny